Secrets to digital marketing and growth-hacking online

Give the world tactical growth-hacking and practical digital marketing skills

Graduates from great companies

About Taylor Ryan

01 Experience

Taylor Ryan is an eccentric 6x start-up founder from Washington, DC living in Denmark.

With 14+ years of digital marketing experience, Taylor is a digital marketing beast.

Taylor’s expertise spans across dozens of industries and all digital marketing channels.

02 Events

Taylor leads keynotes and conferences to audiences all over the world.

Known for his unique and high energy presentation style.

With more than 100 events in the last 3 years, Taylor’s material spans hundreds of industries and topics.

Taylor has been featured in the world’s largest publications including, The Washington Post, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Mashable and many more.

03 Growth Secrets

In late 2019, Taylor launched his unique brand of growth-hacking into his Growth-Hacking and Digital Marketing Agency, Klint.

Following the success of the digital marketing agency, Taylor launched the first iteration of the online-version of growth secrets.

The course continues to grow in popularity across the world with more than 7000+ students from more than 40 countries by the end of November 2021.

Industry stats you need to know

0 K
Average Salary of Marketer in USA
$ 0 T
Global Marketing Spend in 2020
# 0
Most In-Demand Jobs On LinkedIN
0 K
Job Opening For Marketers

Hear from happy Growth Secrets grads

“Taylor's course was exceptional. This course has removed my blind spots and introduced me to a host of new tools to multiply my efforts. Most critically, it’s empowered me to go and figure out what growth means to the companies I work at. Taylor very clearly has a breadth and depth of knowledge on marketing and growth hacking. He’s the real deal. Looking forward to your next course man! Cheers.”
Rami Bakri
“I enjoyed this course a lot! Taylor provides a ton of tips and tools that you can apply immediately. He's a great presenter who shares real-life examples on how he "growth-hacked" past projects. I've taken many digital marketing courses, but this one was definitely the most applied. I highly recommend it :)”
Anna-Sophie Gaa
Venture Architect
“Taylor is a knowledgeable teacher and a really great communicator. The course gives you fresh insights, a shit load of valuable tools and a framework and mindset to use everything in the best way possible. Taylor is fast speaking, energetic and full of useful anecdotes. That makes the whole thing feel fun and engaging.”
Thorlak Fink
“The amount of actionable content in here is amazing. Taylor runs through his entire playbook in this course.”
Mitch Halquist
Senior Growth Manager

Why we Launched Growth Secrets

01 Why I started it

When I first started digital marketing nearly 15 years ago, real valuable material was scattered throughout the web.

Learning by trying new things was my only option.

While it does work. But it’s really slow.

You don’t need to do this. I’ve done it for you.

Often I wished someone could have given me these concepts and playbooks years ago.

The material would have saved me countless hours of frustration and stress.

Having found success, I’d like to share my best material with the world.

02 Why it is working

The course contains the same secret tactics and practical digital marketing strategies that led to:

Leading 4 start-ups to exits in 5 years
Running a successful internationally agency (during the pandemic)
Working with 10+ global start-up accelerators

03 Why you will benefit

So many digital marketers are desperate to find tactics that actually work.
People have always come up to me after my keynote presentations.

They’re consistently asked, “Where can I find more of your material?”

Now it’s been distilled into one course.

If you’re looking for an edge, a career move, the right strategies to scale your business- this is the perfect course for you.

Growth Secrets is clear, concise, and entertaining instruction with templates and outlines.

People LOVE our material

Interested in In-Person Workshops, Team Training, Partnerships?

We work with all sorts of organizations

Corporate Innovation and In-Person Workshops
Training and workshops for large international organizations.
Building up competencies of internal teams.
Multiple days on-site training sessions to scale innovation projects.

Start-up Accelerators and Incubators
Serving international accelerators around the world.
Support startup cohorts get traction to future funding.

Providing tools, promotion, and mutual benefits for Growth Secret students.

Your Instructor knows his stuff

Evolution the growth-hacking course

May 2019
1st in-person 2 day course
September 2019
1st in-person 2 day course
January 2019
1st in-person 2 day course
May 2021
1st in-person 2 day course
July 2021
1st in-person 2 day course
October 2021
1st in-person 2 day course
November 2021
1st in-person 2 day course

The Future of Growth Secrets

As Growth Secrets continues to gain momentum, the tactics continue to evolve.

Continuing to update the material and build courses for specific industries and business models is coming!

There is never an end to learning or the use cases for digital marketing.

Building a Venture Capital Firm
Eventually these strategies will be the cornerstone of a venture building organization.

The goal is to pair venture capital alongside proven tactics to gain traction for early stage startups. Think of it as a three part recipe:

I’m looking for investors. Are you interested in joining the journey?

Please get in touch:

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